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last updated at 2024-04-16 22:43

National Conservatism Conference: Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels event

Oliber: "Nigel Farage, who took to the stage this morning, told the BBC the decision to close down the conference because there were homophobes in the audience was "cobblers", and that he condemned the decision as an attempt to stifle free speech. "Thank God For Brexit", he said."
Oliber: Ooh, a Brexit benefit, Farage can be homophobic

Early people do not think highly of late people like me. Why are they so unforgiving?

jillzilla: I have really really struggled to learn to be on time for things, and I am now mostly on time
jillzilla: (to the point that if I am late for a few things in a short period of time warning bells go off for me to check what's gone wrong)
jillzilla: and I can explain -- you being late causes inconvenience for other people
jillzilla: "Early people think of life as something within their charge; that if one merely had enough consideration for their fellow human they could and should part traffic, find parking spaces and resolve cluttered, forgetful minds."
jillzilla: This sounds like smokers who claim that people who want indoor spaces free of smoke have that position because they are joyless authoritarians who don't want others to have any fun, completely disregarding that a great many people find it unpleasant or physically painful to spend time in smoky rooms.
jillzilla: So you can't part traffic or magic up parking spaces but you can usually leave time to allow for traffic and parking. And it's really hard to learn (oh, do I know how hard it is), and yeah, there are some people who are unreasonable about small or rare lapses, and those people are jerks. But being consistently late puts a burden on other people that you don't seem to have taken in.
jillzilla: If nothing else, can you not have compassion for the distress you are causing your young daughter?

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